Neutral Good
Favored Weapon: Longsword/Longbow
Domains: Animal, Good (Friendship), Strength (Resolve), War
Known to her faithfull as the Crimson Lioness and the Gilded Tactician, Aliania teaches strength over adversity, tenacity, and morality in the face of the immoral. Her virtues include temperance and chastity and a firm belief that all should be treated as equal without anyone holding sway over anothers heart.
Aliania instructs temperance, acceptance of all beings as equal, as well as chastity. Knowing ones self and forgoing temptation are a core part of her beliefs. Though oaths of chastity are very common within the order they are not strictly required. For those who prey upon the hearts of others or claim dominion over another, Aliania teaches her followers to rally against such wickedness.
A Queen of her people she lived through her husbands death and inherited the throne of a powerful warrior nation. At that time only the men waged war against the barbarian orc threat, however after taking the throne Aliania saw the strength of women and called them to arms as well. Trained to be superior in combat even to men the Lion's Pride, an elite female only troop, soaked the fields in their enemies blood and fended off the orc threat. Eventually Aliania took a lover and married again, however her new king wished for a return to the old ways of women being relegated to the tasks of child rearing and home making. For a time, much to her later regret, her heart was swayed from what she knew to be right and the Lion's Pride was disbanded at the Kings request. It wasn't until the King sought complete power for himself through a plot to assassinate her that Aliania was finally able to break his hold over her. Warned of the plot by the same warrior women who now served under her as handmaidens, she once again called the Pride to arms and took control of the castle. The King named Shade was thrown into the dungeons from which he would eventually escape. From that day forward the Lion's Pride was renamed after their Queen taking on the name Lioness Pride. All serving equal to each other as sisters, and all leary of the corruption of the heart tempted by men.
Aliania has sworn an oath of vengeance upon Shade and his followers, her clergy generally refuse to work with his followers, and in many cases bring violence to bear.
Aliania speaks to her order with signs usually in the form of lion claw marks or delivered arrow. She does not reserve her guidance for just her most trusted but allows any to her join her order should they find sufficient cause to do so.
Church of Aliania
The church of Aliania is comprised almost completely of women who have taken up martial training and serve in the order as soldiers under no formal command structure. With the lack of traditional military leaders it is the church that decides on what actions the order will take based solely on prayer reading the signs provided by their goddess.
A great many of Aliania's followers are Paladins, Cavaliers, and Crusaders, she has also regularely calls into her service bards, oracles, and sorcerers. All members of the clergy serve in the standing army known as the Lioness Pride. All seek guidance and take direction directly from the interpretations of signs from their goddess. Many who seek their aid are granted asylum so long as they serve in the Lioness Pride. Due to this they receive a great number of runways, thieves, murderers, and bandits. Those who are unfit generally do not last among their ranks for very long, but just as many find a new and more fulfilling life in the service of Aliania and turn their wicked ways around.
Temples & Shrines
Temples of Aliania are fortifications built in strategic locations. Most have a cathedral of stained glass depicting the many battles of the Lioness Pride. Many areas prefer to have their presence as they often will patrol roads and keep vast areas clear of bandits and others who prey on the weak. When a fortification cannot be erected the Lioness Pride has vast cathedral-like tents that act as temporary temples to Aliania, which they also usually bring to their camps during times of war.
Holy Texts
A book of both tactical studies and moral quandaries, as well as cautionary tales against the wicked ways of men.
Information Incomplete
Once a year "The Great Hunt."
Favored animals
Gods are often associated with certain animals, either because they possess a quality favored by the god, or because the god's faithful feel a special kinship to them. Aliania's favored animals include Lions as well as Dire Lions.
Religion:Major Deities:Shade
Religion:Major Deities:Jael