Lawful Good
Favored Weapon: Halberd
Domains: Destruction, Glory (Honor), Good (Archon), Law (Judgment)
Known to its faithful as the High Angel and Commander of Heaven's Host, Jael's virtues include Diligence and Bravery in the pursuit of the total destruction of evil. Jael will not tolerate mercy or compassion for any evil.
Jael encourages its followers to seek out and pursue all evil until it's cleansed from the land in an effort to bring the material plane closer to the perfection of Heaven. Jael does not tolerate evil and finds those of a chaotic nature loathsome.
Jael was the first of Heavens Archangels and one of the few to survive the gruesome Daemon War. A war in which the great dragon flights as well as the armies of the Heavens and Hells all united in defense in the Gates of Heaven against the True Daemon Vexi. Ever since it has acted as the high commander of Heaven's Archangels with unchallenged absolution.
The beliefs of Jael often put it at odds with the goddess Julia and her followers.
The followers of Aliania are great allies of the church of Jael.
The Archangel Jael communicates with its faithful via Herald of Heaven or with visions of glory and absolution. A single white feather is taken as a sign of favor while an obvious blemish upon one's armor is taken as a sign of disfavor.
Church of Jael
The church is comprised of priests who fervently believe in the dichotomy of good and evil and strive to reach the perfection of the Angelic. The church is slow to absolve the sins of man should they seek redemption though will allow undertaking of atonement for lesser deeds. Many sins outright fall beyond the hope of redemption within the church such as murder, rape, and banditry, and are often swiftly and wrathfully punished.
The church of Jael is mostly comprised of Inquisitors and Paladins followed by Clerics, War Priests, and Cavaliers. Very rarely goodly Wizards, Bards, Rogues, and other classes find their way into the ranks of Jael. Some priests work as advisors to guide people on the will of heaven and how they may be brought closer to the perfection of heaven. Others may work as patrolmen on the world's highways or gathering resources for the churches next crusade against evil. Generally all Clergy are taught to speak Celestial.
Temples & Shrines
Temples dedicated to Jael are grand cathedrals built to represent the majesty of Heaven and are usually constructed with clean white stones crafted in elegant and powerful designs. These structures are usually placed in city centers and are heavily patrolled where only the most foolish or capable dare to commit a crime upon the sacred lands of the church.
Holy Texts
The Heralds Tome is the primary text of the faith. Though many texts exist regarding the many laws and deeds of heaven, the Heralds Tome depicts the many callings that Jael has placed upon its followers.
The followers of Jael observe no holidays for righteousness knows no rest.
Favored animals
Gods are often associated with certain animals, either because they possess a quality favored by the god, or because the god's faithful feel a special kinship to them. Jael's favored animal is the Goose or Swan.