Lawful Neutral
Favored Weapon: Scimitar/Wand
Domains: Darkness (Moon), Knowledge (Memory), Law (Inevitable), Magic, Rune (Language)
Known to her followers as the Great Scribe, the Watcher, and the She Who Knows All, Selene is a pacifist goddess who teaches wholeness through learning. Her virtues include temperance and prudence while she rejects ignorance and wrath.
Selene encourages neutrality in use of knowledge and magic. Magic and Knowledge themselves are not inherenty good or bad, they are just tools used by good or bad people. Magic and Knowledge should be usable by anyone and the limit of Magic on anyone should only be limited to what their knowledge allows them to do with it.
Selene is the goddess of arcane magic and maintains and manages the great weave of aether that is drawn on to fuel any works of arcane magic.
The followers of Selene and Rolan generally work closely together as they're patron deities that share much in common: Selene being the goddess of arcane magic, and Rolan being the god of divine magic.
Above all magic Selene encourages the use of Divination and it is through this school that she communicates with her followers. Reflective spheres and circles such as a perfectly shaped pool of water or broken glass are seen as signs of her favor, while unpredictable spell effects or lack of magical ability are signs of her disfavor.
Church of Selene
The church of Selene is comprised mainly of diviners, astronomers, academics, wizards, sorcerers, or anyone with learned or inherent skills with arcane magic. Most individuals who follow Selene are always seeking higher learning. The church often opens and runs academies in any community that the local government will allow, one of the most famous of which is the Mage College in Aeston. The church also commonly creates and sells magic scrolls to the people as a way to fund their academies and projects.
Many of Selene's clergy are Wizards, Sorcerers, Arcanists, and Witches. Working as scholars, scribes, professors, and advisors, many of the faith find their place in more peaceful nations. They often build colleges dedicated to the arts of higher learning and magical research. Clergy will often wear or carry a small round silver mirror that acts as both holy symbol and divining tool.
Temples & Shrines
Temples dedicated to Selene are usually massive libraries, observatories, or colleges. They do not have a strict religious practice as many other faiths do and generally these buildings themselves are built in honor of the goddess. The pursuit of knowledge and magic, and more importantly spreading both of these things are themselves considered acts of worship.
Holy Texts
Selene has the most holy texts whose total study and understanding is believed to allow a mortal to ascend to the ranks of the gods. However due to the vast number of texts that exist would require multiple lifetimes to read, let alone study, comprehend, and digest. Selene does not decree certain works as more holier than any other, as any works containing truthful knowledge and workings of magic are all sacred and holy in her eyes.
The church celebrates each full moon using it as a time to seek answers to their most probing questions.
Favored animals
Gods are often associated with certain animals, either because they possess a quality favored by the god, or because the god's faithful feel a special kinship to them. Selene's favoured animal are the fox and owl.