

Chaotic Neutral
Favored Weapon: Bastard Sword
Domains: Chaos(Riot), Destruction (Rage), Madness (Insanity), War (Blood)

Known to her followers as the Broken and the Mad Knight, Vanaar is the embodiment of Wrath and cannot abide Patience.


Vanaar encourages her followers to stoke the fires of their rage and pursue the inevitable destruction that is sure to follow. Ideally one would be in touch with their emotions and follow through on them without hesitation not heeding consequence or the comforts of others. Laws are for the weak to hide behind.




Vanaar is estranged from any lawful deity and most neutral. Due to her Outlook, she really has only ever had amicable relations with Saeruil, but they are prone to bouts of conflict as well.


Vanaar communicates through maddening visions of raw emotion. Much of the visions are open to interpretation. She followers also tend to interpret her signs in different ways, usually whatever suits what they want to do.

Church of Vanaar

The church is primarily comprised of outcasts, mad men, fallen nobility, and similar scorned creatures. Some start mad and others work their way there at differing paces but in the end, all are as mad as Vanaar. Surprisingly there is a single organized location where the followers of Vanaar flock to once every ten years. The proceedings are a closely guarded secret and it is said that those who go come back as very different people.


The clergy of Vanaar mainly consists of Magus, Bloodragers, Barbarians, Fighters, Brawlers, Clerics, War Priests, and Alchemists. These faithful are generally lunatics and criminals who take what they want when they want it. Even if it ended with their death they would never look back on or regret their actions. It is typical for a follower of Vanaar to carry many blades on their person and have odd fixations with them. A broken blade is Vanaar's holy symbol.

Temples & Shrines

There is one temple to to Vanaar that her faithful flock to once every ten years. The structure has been and is continuing to be slowly built as a massive fortress using the blades her followers have collected as building materials creating a massive fortress of swords. Shrines to Vanaar consist of several blades plunged into a surface with scarlet rags tied to the blades. Woe be any who take one of these blades for Vanaar shall know them.

Holy Texts

Vanaar’s Holy text is a nameless book of ramblings and outbursts. Every scholar who has read the book in completion has gone mad.


Every new season marked by the first snowfall, first leaf to turn color and fall, first flower to bloom etc, are considered holy days.

Favored animals

Gods are often associated with certain animals, either because they possess a quality favored by the god, or because the god's faithful feel a special kinship to them. Vanaar's favoured animals is the Wolverine.