Neutral Good
Favored Weapon: Starknife
Domains: Charm (Captivation), Knowledge (Education), Scalykind (Dragon), Travel
Known to his followers as the Laughing Dragon and Copper Scale, Rolan's virtues include Kindness, Charity and Humility while he pities the Greedy and the Prideful.
Rolan encourages his followers to travel, learn, live, love, and most of all laugh. Sharing knowledge and talent freely where ever you go, and expanding the love and laughter in the world is one of the greatest joys in life. Rolan believes that the world can be a better place just by being kind even to those who are not kind in return.
Rolan greatly disapproves of Cildranas and goes out of his way to protect the good hearted from her wrath.
Rolan enjoys Loewen a great deal and is always eager to hear new tales of adventures.
Rolan communicates with his faithful with small messages on the wind or a song on the breeze. Disembodied laughter or the warm presence of a friend when you are alone are signs of his favor while a broken instrument, dry throat, or other impediment to a performance is a sign of disfavor.
Church of Rolan
The church of Rolan is mostly comprised of performers, thespians, playwrights, goodly dragons, kobolds and wyverns. Though most of the church become travelers that go off into the world alone or with bands of adventurers, some band together to make large performance troops. When the church does settle in a community it is usually a community that favors the performance arts. Their presence is highly sought after during festivals, and though they never charge, they do take donations.
Almost all of Rolan's followers are Bards, but pockets of Clerics, Sorcerers, Rogues, and Oracles do exist. Those of the faith will many times scatter to the winds with wanderlust seeking out new audiences, skills, and stories. Some find themselves in positions as court bards to powerful leaders and kings while others may entertain children on street corners.
Temples & Shrines
Temples dedicated to Rolan are usually meager as most of the resources they acquire go back out to the people and performers. It is more common to find shrines to Rolan in theaters and clubs that host performers, and are usually located backstage where performers can say a quick prayer before going on stage.
Holy Texts
Rolan's holy text "The Little Copper Book of Scales" is a small book for ease of travel that discusses some of Rolan's views as well as documenting many common famous songs.
Rolan encourages his followers to be involved in a number of other Deities holidays with the exception of most evil deities.
Favored animals
Gods are often associated with certain animals, either because they possess a quality favored by the god, or because the god's faithful feel a special kinship to them. Rolan's favoured animals are a plethora of song birds.
Religion:Major Deities:Selene
Guilds:Ardent Apex:Active Members:Calvin Rathbourne
Guilds:Ardent Apex:Active Members:Glamzar Peridot
Religion:Major Deities:Cildranas