Chaotic Good
Favored Weapon: Longsword
Domains: Glory (Legend), Luck (Whimsy), Travel (Exploration)
Known to his followers as the Adventurer God or Glory Seeker, Lowen seeks every opportunity to adventure, save people in distress, and find long lost treasures. Loewen can still be found wandering Apraxia seeking adventures. He favors the virtues of Humility and Kindness and scoffs at Greed and Pride.
Loewen encourages his followers to seek adventure and help those in need. He cautions them to not forget the little guy and to always be willing to lend a helping hand.
Inter-deity relationships are under construction.
Loewen usually speaks to his followers in person appearing as a young eager adventurer of the race of the person he is speaking with, or should he speaking to a group, they individually will see him in the most favorable way. When it is not possible to for him to speak with someone a posting on a job board is usually placed in his name. Should he hear a story about someone he finds favorable he enjoys sending them a letter. If he hears about something he finds fundamentally wrong he is quick to post a quest to have adventurers correct the issue.
Church of Loewen
The church of Loewen is comprised of many adventurers, merchants, and commoners. It is common to find members of the church performing odd jobs around cities and communities while waiting for their next big adventure.
Loewen's clergy are typically goodly members of any class, though a large number of Fighters have organized a group known as the "Order of the Hero". The order has also established the Heroes Guild which boasts a high number of members, though due to Guild membership limitations imposed by The Overseers, not all members of "Order of the Hero" are Guild members as well. Both are seen and treated equally within the Order and Guild regardless of which they belong to, as they all believe they are united as one brotherhood.
Temples & Shrines
Loewen does not generally subscribe the to typical Temple or Shrine idealogies. Shrines to Loewen are generally small and unobtrusive, and can usually be found in Taverns and areas that deal with Quest Brokers or other adventure related establishments.
Holy Texts
Loewen has simple words for his followers to live by. "Don’t be a jerk."
Favored animals
Gods are often associated with certain animals, either because they possess a quality favored by the god, or because the god's faithful feel a special kinship to them. Loewens favoured animal is the Falcon.
Religion:Major Deities:Rolan