Dae'Luana, in the original native tongue.
Lawful Neutral
Favored Weapon: Spear
Domains: Air (Lightning), Animal, Water (Rivers), Weather (Storms)
Known to his faithful as the Hunter, the River Speaker, Wind Listener, and Storm Sighted. Drulanar is one of the eldest deities who guided nations to peace and prosperity in nature. He teaches balance in nature and the give and take of natural laws. Diligence and determination are among Drulanar's chief virtues while Slothfulness is scorned.
Drulanar believes in balance in life and environment as well as learning the effects your life has on the ecosystem. He rewards those who take only what they need to survive from the land and does not accept offerings of any kind. To those who plunder mother nature for her bountiful resources his doctrines preach that such activities must be stopped and balance restored.
Inter-deity relationships are under construction.
The god speaks to his most enduring with messages of wisdom on the breeze. The Dire Boar is a symbol of a bountiful feast, a rare time in which his followers are permitted to indulge. Volcanic eruptions and out of season storms are signs of his disfavor.
Church of Drulanar
The church of Drulanar is mostly composed of druidic nomads, hunters, gypsies, and animal trainers. There's little to no organized Church left of this old deity and that which remains is mostly spread throughout the uncivilized lands. Members of the faith can be petitioned for a blessing in exchange for resources but never wealth. Followers of Drulanar are most welcome in small villages who take little from the land. In cities however they are eyed suspiciously by citizen and guard alike.
The majority of Drulanar's clergy consist of Druids, Rangers, and some Barbarian tribes. There are few Clerics and only a handful of Paladins. Many of the clergy spend their time in a specific area, guarding it from those who would damage its natural balance. While few live within communities acting as advisors for community leaders as to how they may act within the tenets of Drulanar. Common times of prayer are during high and low tide.
Temples & Shrines
There are few temples built to honor Drulanar and those that do exist are almost exclusively in remote undeveloped lands. Some nature conscious communities however do build shrines to the god as a way to remind themselves to keep the balance. The temples that do exist are built into naturally occurring enclosed structures and caverns.
Holy Texts
Drulanar has no holy text, his follower pass on their traditions through word of mouth and first hand experience, each taking on several students throughout their lives.
There are no set holidays in the faith of Drulanar. Each region has times when nature provides in great abundance such as spawning seasons for various fish or when birds undertake great migrations. During these times followers of Drulanar are permitted to rest and enjoy the bounty that nature has provided them.
Favored animals
Gods are often associated with certain animals, either because they possess a quality favored by the god, or because the god's faithful feel a special kinship to them. Drulanar's favored animals include the Dire Boar and the Sailfish.
Religion:Major Deities:Hjord
Religion:Major Deities:Saeruil
Religion:Major Deities:Ithrale'na