Chaotic Neutral
Favored Weapon: Whip
Domains: Animal, Chaos (Entropy), Charm (Captivation), Plant (Growth), Weather (Seasons)
Known to her faithful as the First of the First World and the Redcap Queen, Saeruil sees herself as the true embodiment of nature and thusly her will IS the will of nature itself. In true fey fashion Saeruil is the most fickle in her virtues as can at anytime change her mind as to what she favors and finds offensive.
Saeruil encourages her followers to become one with nature, for to be one with nature is to be one with Saeruil. She is unopposed to civilizations that are one with nature such as some elven communities, however civilizations that encroach on or outright damage forests and other bastions of nature are seen as invaders. It is then that Saeruil calls upon her faithful, plants, animals and fey to fight off the invaders.
Followers of Drulanar find it difficult to associate with the fickle nature of Saeruil.
Saeruil hates the followers of Krell and seeks to disrupt them whenever possible.
Saeruil speaks to her followers through visions and fey messengers, often sending Grigs to deliver these messages. The presence of goodly fey such as Grig are a sign of favor while the presence of more capricious fey are a sign of disfavor. For those who have caused her offense however, she makes her displeasure known by sending her redcaps to claim the offenders head.
Church of Saeruil
The church of Saeruil is mostly comprised of fey, hermits, hunters and vanguards of nature. Seldom are members of this faith found in communities and when it happens they are usually doomsayers. With no larger or organized church, most members of the faith barter for goods and services with small outlying communities.
The vast majority of Saeruil's faithful are Druids and Summoners. Few clerics, rangers, and paladins exist for the faith. The clergy only interact when called by the fey to specific locations to work in teams towards whatever goal Saeruil sets before them. Otherwise they are charged with protecting vast tracts of lands.
Temples & Shrines
The faithful and the fey build vast and complex temples out of the living trees and other plants to honor Saeruil often incorporating flowing water that floods the walkways of such temples. Shrines to the fey goddess exist in many small communities, usually on the opposite side of town from shrines to Drulanar. These shrines will often house many offerings of sweets and precious, valuable gifts.
Holy Texts
Much like Drulanar, Saeruil has no holy text among the mortal world as they are kept in the first world. On rare occasions Saeruil will invite her most faithful into the first world as a guest and allow them access to these holy texts.
Every new season marked by the first snowfall, first leaf to turn color and fall, first flower to bloom etc, are considered holy days.
Favored animals
Gods are often associated with certain animals, either because they possess a quality favored by the god, or because the god's faithful feel a special kinship to them. Saeruils favoured animals are cats.
Religion:Major Deities:Vanaar
Religion:Major Deities:Ithrale'na