Lawful Good
Favored Weapon: Long/Bastard Sword
Domains: Good, Law (Loyalty), Protection, War (Tactics)
Known to her faithful as Sword of the Shield and The Immortal Blade, Sarasa is the goddess of guardians, protection, and protectors.
Never betray your trust. Be vigilant. Stand, wait, and watch carefully. Be fair and diligent in the conduct of your orders. Protect the weak, poor, injured, and young, and do not sacrifice them for others or yourself. Anticipate attacks and be ready. Know your foes. Care for your weapons so they may perform their duties when called upon. Careful planning always defeats rushed actions in the end. Always obey orders providing those orders follow the dictates of Sarasa or Justinak. Demonstrate excellence and purity of loyalty in your role as a guardian and protector.
Sarasa along with her long time companion and spouse Justinak are among the newest gods to have ascended, and did so together roughly 1200 years ago.
Inter-deity relationships are under construction.
Sarasa is long time partner and spouse of the god Justinak.
The goddess sometimes sends messages that appear etched in the blades of those she favors. A broken blade shows the ultimate sign of her anger, especially if the blade should be broken during battle.
Church of Sarasa
Sarasians are long respected and revered for their dedication and purpose, and their pledge to come to the defense of not only those who call for it, but the realm as well. They usually wear polished full suits of armor and wield finely crafted and ornate Bastard Swords or Longswords. Their hierarchy is strict and militaristic, split into two specific groups lead by the orders of paladins called the Swords of the Lady and the Shields of the Lady. The leader of the Swords is called the Sword of the Realm, however every member of the faith can easily determine his or her rank relative to the others. While celibacy is not required among her followers, it is extremely uncommon for bonds and couplings to be formed outside of those made between a follower of Sarasa and one of Justinak. These unions are almost always praised on both sides and shown as a blessing from the god couple.
All followers of Sarasa are required by doctrine to heed any calls to battle required of them as being part of the Realm Guard.
Temples & Shrines
Temples of Sarasa are always adjoined to temples of Justinak which together make imposing edifices built solely for defense. Many are fortified abbeys located near dangerous and evil areas, where they form a line of defense against the encroachment of powerful enemies. Major cities usually have a temple or shrine to Sarasa and Justinak, for their clerics and paladins make excellent additions to the local city guard. At the heart of the endless barracks, armories, and training chapels is the central altar, which is always a massive suit of full plate mail. All such suits of armor are holy relics of the faith, having once been worn by one of Sarasa or Justinak's most esteemed champions. All who seek sanctuary are welcome within a temple of Sarasa and Justinak, however if they are accused of a crime, they must willingly submit to the local laws of the land and its justice if lawfully executed. Despite its risks, many accept this condition, for their followers always ensure that the accused receives a fair trial.
Holy Texts
There are no principle holy texts for the followers of Sarasa. Everything known custom, doctrine, and history, are all passed down through teachings while the followers undergo their intensive and strictly guided training to join either the Swords of the Lady or the Shields of the Lady.
The Eternal Adjoining is the principle holiday for followers of both Sarasa and Justinak. This coincides with the day in which they both ascended and also happens to be the same day of the year in which the two had previously been married on: January 31st. It is a very popular day for followers of the two faiths to also be wed, as to follow in the footsteps of their patron couple is thought to solidify and make such bonds truly eternal.
Favored animals
Gods are often associated with certain animals, either because they possess a quality favored by the god, or because the god's faithful feel a special kinship to them. Sarasa's favoured animals include falcons and eagles.
Religion:Major Deities:Justinak
Religion:Major Deities:Raegardas
Guilds:Ardent Apex:Active Members:Faye Rel Astra