Boram the Rotund
Favored Weapon: Battle Aspergillum (Filled with Holy Wine)
Domains: Charm (Lust), Community, Luck, Travel (Trade)
A primarily halfling god, Boram is known for his hedonism and laziness. Also known as "The Rotundicus Tubgut", "The Corpulent", and "His Great Sphereicalness the most round." He favors laziness above all and disfavors work of any kind though understands that others must work in order to feed his hedonism.
Boram's dogma is more of a way of life - a life of whimsy and abandon, free from any fetters of custom, law, inhibition, or morality. Freedom is a cardinal virtue of Boram's faith and a higher principle than good or evil. All too often, drunken revelry turns into drunken savagery, but Boram condemns neither. Mortals often worship Boram whenever they drink wine, pouring out a little of their drink in his honor.
Borum often communicates with his faithful through filigree parchments, scented with wine of a floral yet fruity bouquet. A grapevine growing out of season or place is seen as a sign of favor as do larger than normal grapes. While rancid grapes show his disfavor.
Church of Boram
The church is comprised mostly of merchants, artisans, aristocrats, and playwrights who often seek an early retirement.
The church of Boram consists mainly of Bards, Clerics, Summoners, and Sorcerers, though the bounds of laziness know no class. Prominent members of the church are usually vastly wealthy who entrust their wealth to accountants and finance managers. They broker in information mainly as their many, many holidays and parties bring gossip and rumor to their ears. Members of the clergy always know the best places in town for food, wine, and entertainment.
Temples & Shrines
The temples of Boram are usually large and lavish halls of opulent decor that host a never ending parade of parties and festivals. Unlike other churches, perspective members must pay a fee to sustain membership with increasing fees as they move into more prominent roles.
Holy Texts
There is a text that exists somewhere, though none have ever seen it and none can seem to call recall its name. Expeditions have been financed to seek out it's location and recovery by the church but to this day the text has not been recovered.
The followers of Boram observe every day as a holiday, going as far as even inventing new holidays seemingly at random.
Favored animals
Gods are often associated with certain animals, either because they possess a quality favored by the god, or because the god's faithful feel a special kinship to them. Boram's favored animal is the domestic pig.