Neutral Good
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
Domains: Community (Cooperation), Good (Redemption), Healing (Restoration), Protection (Purity)
Known to her faithful as the Redeemer or the Healing Flame, Julia is a goddess who teaches temperance, compassion, and patience in all things. Compassion and acceptance are her greatest virtues, and if enemies of the faith can be redeemed, they should be.
Julia encourages care and loving to all that deserve it and in many cases even those who do not. She discourages taking advantage of anyone and rewards charitable work, especially work involving helping with the redemption or rehabilitation of lost souls in need of saving. To those who have no interest in redemption and who glory in slaughter and death; which range from the remorseless evil of the undead to the cruelties born in the hearts of mortals, Julia's doctrines preach swift justice to be delivered by her faithful to those who are unable or unwilling to be redeemed.
Inter-deity relationships are under construction.
The goddess occasionally sends direct messages to her faithful in the form of a short, but precise, whispered message. The sight of her sacred bird the phoenix is considered a blessing and sign of approval, while quarreling lovers, drab songbirds, and wilted roses are all signs of Julia's disfavor.
Church of Julia
The church of Julia is mostly composed of altruistic priests who are also ready to be stern should it be warranted. The church is known for blessing crops, healing the sick, and especially reforming criminals and evil doers. They are often consulted to solve feuds and disputes among neighbors and families.
A large portion of Julia's priests are composed of clerics, but within their ranks are also paladins and rangers, as well as a few druids and bards. Some priests work as personal retainers or healers for the wealthy, while others survive on assistance from congregational worshipers. A common form of worship by priests is to awaken with the dawn and give thanks and praise to the rising sun, which to them represents the fiery rebirth of Julia's sacred phoenix. In battle Julia's clerics become dervishes, ready to destroy all irredeemable corruption. Formal raiments include a long white robes with red and gold decorations depicting her holy symbol of a phoenix.
Temples & Shrines
Temples dedicated to Julia are usually large elaborately decorated buildings designed for multiple functions; in addition to being centers of worship, they often provide the surrounding community with medical and rehabilitation services. Most temples contain elaborate stained glass windows of predominantly yellow colors that bathe the interior with a soft, golden light. The stained glass windows as well as elaborate decorations are torn down to be replaced with new ones twice a year, once during the first day of Spring, and once during the first day of Fall. They are done in rituals symbolizing death and rebirth.
Holy Texts
The Rebirth of Light and Darkness is the principal holy book of Julia. It is customary for every owner of this book to inscribe her own stories of rebirth and redemption in the last few blank pages, so that they can be recounted to others later.
The most commonly celebrated holiday by the followers of Julia is held on the first day of Spring, a day which is held to be the start of the rebirth of nature for the year. The second celebrated holiday coincides with the first day of Fall, for there can be no rebirth without death.
Favored animals
Gods are often associated with certain animals, either because they possess a quality favored by the god, or because the god's faithful feel a special kinship to them. Julia's favoured animals include doves and rabbits, however the phoenix is her sacred animal as well as the symbol of her faith.
Religion:Major Deities:Jael