Lawful Evil
Favored Weapon: Flambard
Domains: Destruction (Hatred), Evil, Fire, Law (Tyranny), Nobility (Hubris), Scalykind (Dragon)
Known to her followers as the Wyrm Queen and Dragon Mother, Cildranas favors Greed, Wrath, and Pride. Her hatred however extends to a great many offenses including but not limited to, Temperance, Humility, non-chromatic dragons, non-dragons, and humanoids specifically. She detests wyverns and kobolds and finds any creatures (especially scalykind) of goodly nature an offense and actively seeks their destruction.
Cildranas believes the dragon species, specifically chromatic dragons, specifically red dragons, specifically her, to be above all other life forms. Her every action that is not to take pleasure in her own cunning and superiority is to undermine and dismantle those who are not chromatic dragons. Despite her outlooks, she still has developed a very large following of creatures wishing to become more like her and her kind. She encourages these followers to pursue an image of Dragonhood, marking them as her property.
Cildranas is at constant odds with Rolan and seeks to end all goodly scaleykind, placing herself above all in creation.
Cildranas speaks to her followers through hissing whispers of Draconic which strike fear into the hearts of all who hear them. If there is a symbol of her favor, none have ever seen it, while symbols of her displeasure are quite numerous. Sudden burns, loss of wealth, and loss of teeth are among a few of her signs.
Church of Cildranas
The church of Cildranas is full of creatures attempting to become more dragonlike. Kobolds, wyverns, and creatures of draconic blood are among the most numerous. Most of the church serves under a chromatic dragon lord who rules regions like tyrants. They plan and order assaults on villages and caravans within their territories, sending out their minions to pillage gold, jewels, and other valuables. Kobolds, wyverns, and other draconic blooded creatures are commonly among these minions.
The vast majority of the clergy are Dragon Disciples, Dragon Blooded Sorcerers, Bloodragers, Barbarians, Eldritch Scions, Cavaliers, and Clerics. Her clergy, including the dragon lords, regularly offer up some of their own treasure to her in altars with basins of molten gold that consume all offerings. Keeping a fresh and large amount of treasure is important lest she decide to turn her minion into a gold statue and collect it as her offering.
Temples & Shrines
Temples dedicated to Cildranas are vast and expansive concave lairs filled with treasures that slowly move down the sloping floors towards a molten pool of gold at its center. These rooms are usually adorned with golden statues of Cindrana showcasing her magnificence. Few Dragon lords can afford to have such temples but those that do are said to have earned her favor.
Holy Texts
"The Hierarchy" is a holy text depicting the events that lead to Cildranas ascending to godhood and some of her greatest deeds. Additionally it depicts a hierarchy of the world from her perspective clearly placing her at the top.
Favored animals
The only animal favored by Cildranas is herself.
Religion:Major Deities:Rolan