Lawful Neutral
Favored Weapon: Longbow
Domains: Knowledge (Thought), Law (Loyalty), Magic (Rites), Plant
Known to her followers as the True Shot and Elf Mother, Ithrale’na is one of the eldest gods of the current pantheon after taking her mantle from a time long ago, a time that only the elves remember. Her virtues include Temperance, Chastity and Diligence finding disfavor with Lust, Gluttony and Slothfulness.
Ithrale’na encourages her followers to be ever vigilant in protecting and secluding the elven homeland from the rest of the world. Believing that Elven civilization is the truest form of civilization and that involvement with the lesser races will only corrupt what they have built. She recommends that her followers use cutting words and magic before resorting to violence but to not shy away from confrontation.
Ithrale’na has a favorable relationship with Saeruil, Drulanar, and Aldne.
She despises Bargleduke, Krell, and Dra-Jerns.
Ithrale’na speaks to her faithful with elven arrows, pointing them in the right direction or short whispers on the wind. A leaf, pierced by an object, is a sign of her favor which leads to many young elven archers practicing their skill on falling leaves. A bowstring that breaks without being pulled is a sign of her great displeasure, but such signs are typically reserved only for her kin.
Church of Ithrale'na
The church of Ithrale'na is comprised almost completely of elves, even half elves are extremely few as most are not permitted to remain in the elven home lands. The church is extremely prominent within elven homelands and almost non-existent in the outside world save for those elves who venture out into it. The church places all young elves with mentors to teach them how to be an elf.
Her clergy are Arcane Archers, Eldritch Archers, Wizards, Arcanists, Rangers, Rogues and Druids. Few other classes exist among the elves. They form the first line of defense of vigilant sentries that watch the elven borders from high up in towers and trees. Wary should any traveler be when entering the elven lands lest they find themselves riddled with arrows, though more commonly those who stumble into the lands in a non-destructive manner will simply awaken outside the borders stripped of any weapons or tools of destruction.
Temples & Shrines
Temples of Ithrale’na are formed out of great trees by magic adorned with arrows tied to the branches and ceiling. Small pools and fountains of holy water are commonly sourced from natural springs.
Holy Texts
There exists a book depicting elven lore and history, as well as the heraldry of the great elven houses.
Favored animals
Gods are often associated with certain animals, either because they possess a quality favored by the god, or because the god's faithful feel a special kinship to them. Ithrale'na doesn't have a single favored animal as they cherish all of nature, however followers commonly identify the falcon as one of her symbols.